Hey there! I'm Anirudh, and I'm a senior studying Computer Science and Math at MIT.

Some of my recent coursework:

  • 6.864 Natural Language Processing
  • 6.869 Advances In Computer Vision
  • 6.815 Computational Photography
  • 6.945 Large Scale Symbolic Systems

This summer I interned as a software engineer at Janestreet, and worked on exciting things like caching tick data and sexp deduplication.

Throughout high school I always enjoyed going to math and computer science contests with my friends. In junior year I qualified for USACO platinum, and my team even won some statewide CS contests. I also participated in this years MIT Integration Bee where I got 6th place!

I was also a dev head at HackMIT, and I have experience developing and deploying many of our apps such as our registration platform feather and our submission platform spectacle.